Intersymmetry CERCI workshop (2021). with Mark Fell, CERCI Braga, and escola de arquitetura UM. cerci, gnration, Portugal, Braga, from 12 March 2021 to 21 May 2021.

GNRation commissioned Fell and Treanor to devise an exploratory project working with a group at Cerci Braga and architecture students at Uminho school in order to consider and expand upon the project's primary themes: group structures, participation, procedural systems, music and sound. Over a series of sessions this evolved into various exercises, ideas and discussions in response to the challenges of remote participation. Each session to the form of an experiential activity, which was then analysed and evaluated, leading to further activities. Among its successes, the project explored embodied forms of algorithmic systems, procedural interactions between the two groups, and development of new ways of thinking about music creation.

These wrokshops culminated in an Exhibtion at Gnration gallery, Portugal, Braga, from 15 July 2021 to 25 September 2021.

The exhibition draws upon, documents and develops materials from a series of workshops with a group at Cerci Braga and architecture students at Uminho school.